This article walks through the steps on how to reboot (Soft Reset) the Wondrwall Light Switches.
Performing a Soft Reset
Locate Your Fuse Board: Head to your fuse board or electrical panel. You’ll find a set of circuit breaker switches there.
Identify the “Lighting” Circuit Breakers: Look for the circuit breakers specifically labelled as “lighting.” There may be more than one, usually one per floor or part of the home.
Flick the Switches Down: For each “lighting” circuit breaker, gently flick it down (off position). Leave it down for approximately 5 seconds. This action effectively cuts power to the Wondrwall light switch.
Restore Power: After the 5-second interval, flick the circuit breaker switches back up (on position). This restores power to the switches.
No Data Loss: Don’t worry about losing any settings! All your information is safely stored on the device and in the Wondrwall cloud.
Normal Reboot: The Wondrwall light switch will now reboot normally. Once it’s up and running, it should operate as usual.
If your Wondrwall light switch continues to display abnormal symptoms, it’s time to seek further support. Contact Wondrwall’s Technical Support team for assistance.
Remember, this soft reset process is for resolving minor software issues. If the issue persists, the experts at Wondrwall will guide you through additional troubleshooting steps.